Tag: Credit Score

Posted on 08/29/2021
Financial Best Practices to Prepare for Your First Home
Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay Everyone talks about preparing financially to purchase and own a home. However, it’s not always exactly clear how to prepare. Rather than get overwhelmed by details, there are some basic things you can start with in order to get your finances ready for home ownership. Here we will go over...
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Posted on 08/11/2019
Mortgage Qualifications for the Self Employed
While working from home and making your own schedule, either freelance or as a contract worker, allows for a particular type of freedom and control of schedules, a dress codes, income limitations, and your life, when it comes to qualifying for a mortgage, your 1099-MISC status comes with some drawbacks. The so-called “gig-economy” places workers squarely in the...
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